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Program Director:  Professor Traupman-Carr

Pathways Degree Completion Program, Major in Integrative Studies

Pathways helps the post-traditional learner to realize their potential for human growth through an intentional and interactive course of study rooted in the concept of the “arts that liberate,” melding work-life experiences with a transdisciplinary approach rooted in the principles of liberal education. It explores human beings’ relation to the world and affords a context in which students may discover how to make meaningful contributions in public life and in a chosen career. Offering the foundation for a life marked by ongoing insight into the human condition, the program promotes professional development and personal fulfillment. 

Through participation in PATHWAYS, post-traditional students can merge framework thinking learned through their coursework with life and work experiences that they bring to the classroom. The culmination of the program comes in IDIS 370, Integrative Seminar (WI), that explores questions of the benefits and challenges of living in a globalized world.  The seminar encourages open dialogue and close collaboration, engaging with multiple perspectives.

Many students will find that they can transfer previous coursework into the PATHWAYS program.  Many of these will fulfill the college’s general education (LINC) requirements, but some may count towards the Bachelor of Arts in Integrative Studies

Courses fall into four broad categories, designed to build the competencies necessary to succeed in PATHWAYS and, ultimately, to flourish in personal and professional life.

1. Courses that introduce and model how different academic disciplines offer distinctive approaches for gaining insight into the world and which examine the role that culture plays in informing one’s understanding of self, society, and the world. Some of these courses fulfill the institution’s general education requirements, while others may count towards the Bachelor of Arts in Integrative studies.

2. Courses that undertake an interdisciplinary or cross-cultural study for deepening students’ capacities for responsive and responsible dialogue in a pluralistic society. (This category consists of selected courses that draw upon a variety of different disciplines and perspectives.) PATHWAYS culminates in the senior year with IDIS370, Integrative Seminar (WI), a capstone Seminar in which students engage in critical reflection and informed dialogue on the question of what it means to flourish as a human being in the contemporary world. 

3. Courses in a concentration, an area of intellectual, personal, or career interest to students.  Concentrations include as few as 4 courses, but may be larger.  Not included in the concentration, but an important part of making connections between the academic and work worlds, is the internship seminar, in which students who are already employed or have been employed reflect on the way that education informs the workplace and is enhanced by collegiate learning.  Many, but not all, of the concentrations are available online.  (Art and Design are not available online.)

4. General education courses, completed by all students earning a bachelor’s degree at 鶹Ƶֱ College.  Many of the courses in this category will also be used to fulfill courses in one of the categories listed above. 

Post-secondary Certificates

In addition, the PATHWAYS advisors will award a post-secondary certificate when a student completes 4 to 5 course units (16 to 20 credits) in one of the areas of concentration.  The specific number is determined by the advisors and sponsoring department and is shown in the catalog below.  (For some concentrations, this is the entire concentration.) A post-secondary certificate requires completion of at least 16 credits in one area (for 鶹Ƶֱ, this would be 4 course units)

General Education requirements:

Students in the Pathways degree completion program must complete the general education curriculum.  Many students will find that they can transfer previous coursework in to complete parts of this curriculum.  The courses which will be offered at 鶹Ƶֱ, primarily online or in hybrid format, to fulfill the general education (LINC) requirements are listed below.

F1 WRIT 100
F2  MATH 107
F3 SPAN 100 & 105
F4 Summer option
M1 HIST 113
M2 ENGL 104
M3 PHIL 120
M4 ECON 152 
M5 Not Needed
M6 MUS 117 or ENGL 212
U1 Not Needed
U2 IDIS 373

The Major in Integrative Studies

The curriculum includes a set of common courses for all students enrolled, as well as courses in a concentration of the student’s choosing; with permission of one of the program directors, students may self-design a concentration of no fewer than 4 courses:

Core courses:

  1. PHIL 110, Introduction to Logic (M3)
  2. IDIS 373 Contemporary Work-Life Balance Seminar (300-level) (U2)
  4. SOC 115, Introductory Sociology, or ECON 152, Principles of Economics (M4)
  5. PHIL 120, Introduction to Philosophy
  6. History (any 100-level history course) or ENGL 104 or ENGL 105
  7. MATH 107, Elementary Statistics (F2)
  8. Internship seminar (INTR 386)
  9. Courses 9-12/13:  students choose a set of courses in a single concentration.  If any of the above courses (1-8) are in the same field as their concentration, they are may not double dip; four independent courses must be chosen to complete the Multidisciplinary Studies program. Students who use one of these courses for their concentration choose another of the following courses to fulfill the rest of the major.



  • ENGL 225
  • ENGL 211, 212, 216, 217, or 218 or other writing course
  • One of the following literature courses:  ENGL 233, 234, 240, 244, 262, 330, 340, 341, 342, 343, 350, 351, 352, 353, 354, 360, or 361
  • One other English course approved by the English department



3 courses at the 100-level, covering three geographic regions:

  • HIST 113 or 114
  • HIST 112, 116, or 117
  • HIST 110, 111, 118, or 119 
  • HIST 270 
  • One HIST 200 level or higher

Business (not ACBSP accredited)

  • ACCT 157 
  • ECON 152
  • MGMT 223
  • ECON 231 or MGMT 216 or MGMT 253


  • ART 142
  • ART 131
  • ART 230
  • ART 231


  • PHIL 120 
  • PHIL 110
  • PHIL 222 or 224
  • Two other PHIL courses 200 level or higher

Self-Designed concentration

With the approval of a program advisor, a student may self-design a concentration of 4-5 courses around a singular theme.  The courses in the concentration must be independent of the courses in the eight-course core, but they may double dip these courses with general education requirements.


鶹Ƶֱ offers a limited number of post-secondary certificate programs.  Each of these programs can be completed in one calendar year, though many students may choose to stretch them out over two years.  The minimum number of credits required for one of these certificates is 16 credits (4 units); the maximum number of credits required is 24 credits (6 units).  

In accordance with existing transfer policies, students may transfer up to 50% of the credits into the certificate programs.  Transfer courses must be submitted on an official transcript from a regionally or nationally accredited institution of higher education, with letter graded courses demonstrating grades of no less than a C (not C-) in the courses intended for transfer.

Each of the post-secondary certificates can be expanded into a full major in the certificate area (e.g., an art certificate can be used as a springboard for the art major) or as a concentration within the Integrative Studies major.  

Students may fold their certificate into the Integrative Studies major, if they wish.

Certificate in Design

The certificate in design introduces students to foundational and intermediate design skills and competencies, in an intensely hands-on educational setting.  The certificate in design is not available online.  Studying design allows students to develop strong creative skills, drawing on foundational areas of drawing, form, and color.  Students can use their design knowledge and experience in most workplaces in contemporary society.

The certificate includes four courses:

  • ART 142, Visual Foundations
  • ART 131, Introduction to Graphic Design
  • ART 230, Typography and Information Design
  • ART 231, Publication Design

Certificate in Philosophy

The certificate in philosophy introduces students to ways of knowing and thinking, important and essential elements of a liberal arts education and to understanding human existence.  The study of philosophy emphasizes an analytic approach to philosophical questions, guiding students to understand and evaluate arguments and to think and write precisely and clearly, to form cogent arguments and employ logical thinking.  The skills learned through the study of philosophy are applicable to a wide range of disciplines and careers.  

The certificate in philosophy includes 4 courses, which are as follow:

  • PHIL 120, Introduction to Philosophy
  • PHIL 110, Introduction to Logic
  • PHIL 222, Ethics
  • One other philosophy course above the 100 level